

State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) and Professional Licensure Disclosures

NC-SARA Complaint Process

Rose State College seeks to offer all online programs to all residents of the USA. RSC is a member of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) and works with SARA as an approved institution. For a list of member states and member institutions, please visit If your state is not listed as a SARA member, please contact our office. 

State authorization of online degrees is a dynamic environment. Before making final educational decisions check the SARA or your state of residence to ensure an up-to-date status on a state’s authorization. Students are responsible for understanding each state’s authorization, which includes current circumstances and special requirements in a student’s state of residence. 


Rose State College makes every effort to resolve student complaints fairly and equitably. RSC students located in SARA states must follow RSC’s complaint process prior to submitting a complaint to Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE) SARA Portal Entity   If a complaint deals with RSC students located in SARA states and the College is not able to resolve the complaint, then RSC agrees to work with its Home State’s SARA Portal Entity to resolve any complaints arising from its students in SARA states, and to abide by the decision of that entity regarding resolution of such complaints. (Please note that grade appeals and student conduct appeals are not permitted under SARA, these would be institutional complaints that have formal process.  Please refer to the Rose State College Catalog and the Student Handbook for both appeal processes.) 

Campus Complaint Process

Campus Complaint Process