

Explore Key Title IX Options

Option 2

I think I witnessed an act that could be sexual misconduct. 

What do I do?

Here’s what College policy says about Reporting Sexual Misconduct

Could what you witnessed have been Sexual Violence?  

Here are some contacts you may use to talk about what you saw

Here are the defined prohibited acts of sexual misconduct.

If you decide you want to file a Title IX complaint, please use this Complaint Form

Retaliation in any form will not be tolerated at Rose State College.  To better understand intentional and unintentional retaliation and how it will be handled in the event it occurs, please review the official Retaliation policy. 

Here is information on other forms of discrimination, harassment, and misconduct prohibited by Federal law, including Title VI, Title VII, Americans With Disabilities Act, Section 504, and Administrative Grievances.

If you have other concerns that are not related to Title IX, please refer to the 2020-2021 Student Handbook for guidance, contact information, or resources that may be of assistance.