

Sexual Misconduct Definitions

Oklahoma State Law Definitions

In accordance with the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA), please be advised that the following definitions are applicable should an individual wish to pursue Oklahoma state criminal or civil actions. These definitions may differ from the College’s administrative policy definitions noted above. The College’s administrative system and disciplinary procedures are separate and distinct from those available to someone in a state civil or criminal action. Individuals may seek administrative remedies in accordance with this policy and also may seek state or federal civil or criminal remedies for the same incident through the applicable systems. The definitions set forth below are reviewed and verified annually; for a more frequently updated resource, please consult Oklahoma’s State Court Network site (

(1) Oklahoma Criminal Law Definition of Rape Oklahoma Penal Code, §21-1111:

(2) Definition of Consent under Oklahoma Criminal Law Oklahoma Penal Code,  §21-1114A, provides lack of consent in rape cases where:

(3) Definition of Domestic/Dating Violence under Oklahoma Criminal Law Oklahoma Penal Code, §21-644

(4) Definition of Stalking under Oklahoma Criminal Law Oklahoma Penal Code,  §21-1173, defines stalking as: