

Center for Cybersecurity Education

Cybersecurity Education


IAE LogosMission Statement

Rose State College’s mission is dedicated to building our Cybersecurity program curriculum to provide advice, research, and training helping deter cyber incidents and assist in fighting cyber crimes.

Rose State College’s Cybersecurity program offers training to community college faculty, secondary school faculty and students across Oklahoma and neighboring states. The following includes established goals:

  • Development and implementation of an Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree in Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics.
  • Internship program for students in the Cybersecurity A.A.S. degree program specializing in Information Assurance and Digital Forensics.
  • A scholarship program supporting students from underrepresented groups in the IT professions.
  • A scholarship program supporting students seeking vendor specific certification. (CompTia, Cisco, Microsoft, ISC).
  • Offer opportunities for two-year, four-year and high school faculty from neighboring states to attend train the trainer workshops.