

Student in a lab environment.

Business & Information Technology

Degree and Certificate Sheets

A quick overview of the course requirements, goals, objectives and outcomes for each individual program.

NOTE:  All degree sheets are in PDF format and require Acrobat Reader to view/print.  Acrobat Reader is a free program and may be installed from the website: Get Reader here.

AS (Associate in Science) Degrees  

(NOTE: These degrees are designed for students to complete and then transfer to a 4-year institution for completion of a baccalaureate degree.)


AAS (Associate in Applied Science) Degrees

(NOTE: These degrees are designed for students to complete and then enter the workforce. These degrees are designed to be terminal degrees.)


Business Administration

Computer Information Technology


Cyber Security

Paralegal Studies

Certificates Offered

(NOTE: These certificates are designed for students to complete and then enter the workforce. They can be completed as part of the degree plan (embedded certificate(s)) OR they can be completed as stand-alone certificate(s). If a student has any questions, they should ask their academic advisor).


Business Administration

Computer Information Technology


CyberSecurity/Digital Forensics