

Health Information Management (HIM)

Requirements Upon Acceptance

Students are not to provide this information in their application packet.  Program acceptance letters will provide detailed information about these processes, as well as any additional requirements.   

Drug Testing

Conditionally-accepted applicants are required to pass a multi-panel urine drug test before final acceptance into the Program will be granted. The applicant is responsible for the cost of the test.

Criminal Background Check

Clinical affiliates require a Federal Background Check of students.  Applicants who are conditionally accepted into the Program will be responsible for the cost of the check. The check will include a seven year criminal history, sex offender registry search, and Social Security Number verification. A criminal conviction or other adverse finding does not necessarily disqualify an individual from admission to the program. The clinical affiliate will determine the acceptance or denial of acceptance to the particular affiliation site.  In addition, an adverse finding on a background check may affect employability after graduation.

Health Documentation Requirements

Prior to enrollment in HSHI 1222 Professional Practice Experience I (first year, spring semester), the student must have submitted to the Program Director the following:

  • Proof of two (2) MMR vaccinations, OR the following titers showing proof of immunity: Rubeola, Rubella, Mumps. If titer results are negative, two (2) MMR vaccinations are required. The vaccinations must be at least one month apart.
  • Proof of two (2) varicella vaccinations, OR varicella titer showing immunity. If titer result is negative, two (2) varicella vaccinations are required. The vaccinations be at least one month apart.
  • Proof of Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) vaccination given no more than 10 years prior to spring semester.                              
  • Proof of two (2) TB skin testing indicating negative findings. Two separate skin tests must be completed at least one week apart; but not more than one year apart. If two tests have not been completed within the past year, two separate must be done. If test was positive, proof of negative chest x-ray and TB Screening Health Certificate must be submitted annually. PPD must remain current throughout the Program.                              
  • Proof of Hepatitis B titer indicating immunity, OR a series of three vaccinations OR a signed declination statement.                                                                                                        
  • Proof of current influenza vaccination (annual)

Applicants are responsible for the costs of titers and immunizations.