

man sitting in front of a microscope

Medical Laboratory Technology


Medical Laboratory Technology AAS (PDF)

All program courses (HSML) from the prior semester must be completed to progress to the next semester. All MLT program courses and science prerequisite courses will require a minimum grade of C or better to graduate. Failure to attain the minimum grade in MLT program courses will result in a stop-out and require readmission to the program. Readmission will be based upon space availability. Students may be readmitted only one time.

Program Requirements and Course Sequencing

Students must earn a “C” or better in all courses to be eligible for graduation. Pre-requisite courses may be in progress during the application period and summer session, but must be completed prior to beginning the program professional courses.  Admission to the program is contingent on a grade of “C” or higher on courses being completed in the spring and summer semesters.   

General Education and Support/Related Courses

Course Number Course Name
ENGL 1113 English Composition I
ENGL 1213 English Composition II+
HIST 1143 or
HIST 1493
US History before 1877 or
US History since 1877
POLS 1113 American Federal Government
PSYC 1113 Intro to Psychology
CHEM 1114 Introductory Chemistry+*
HSBC 1104 or
HSBC 2424
Anatomy & Physiology or
Human Physiology+*
CHEM 1124 Intro Organic/Biochemistry+*
HSBC 1224 or
BIOL 2035
Intro to Clinical Microbiology or
Principles of Microbiology+*
+Course requires prerequisite. See RSC College Catalog course descriptions for details.
*Science courses must be completed within seven years before entering the program

Professional Courses
First Semester (17 credit hours)

Course Number Course Name
HSML 1103 Intro to Medical Lab
HSML 1113 Hematology I (1st 8 weeks)
HSML 1123 Immunology (2nd 8 weeks)
HSML 1121 Phlebotomy
HSML 2415 Clinical Analytical Chemistry
HSML 2412 Clinical Lab Science A

Professional Courses
Second Semester (19 credit hours)

Course Number Course Name
HSML 1223 Immunohematology (1st 8 weeks)
HSML 1213 Hematology II (2nd 8 weeks)
HSML 2515 Pathogenic Microbiology
HSML 2518 Clinical Lab Science B

Third Semester (6 credit hours)

Course Number Course Name
HSML 2606 Clinical Lab Science III