

man sitting in front of a microscope

Medical Laboratory Technology

Mental and Physical Qualifications

  1. The ability to move around in the work areas.
  2. Vision sufficient to accurately distinguish colors, read, perform procedures, monitor instruments, and perform microscopic procedures.
  3. The coordination and movement ability to manipulate equipment and supplies, e.g. adjusting control knobs, manipulating small items.
  4. The ability to speak, write and comprehend the English language.
  5. The ability to communicate in an effective and professional way with clients and health-care providers.
  6. Auditory acuity sufficient to hear instructions, requests, and monitor equipment.
  7. The ability to use problem-solving skills including the application of concepts.
  8. The ability to follow instructions/regulations.
  9. The ability to reach a level of proficiency necessary to perform with minimal supervision.
  10. The ability to perform in stressful situations that are team-oriented and task-specific.
Latex sensitivity: students with a history of latex sensitivity are cautioned about selecting a career as a healthcare professional. Consultation with a physician is recommended.

Rose State College will provide reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities in order for students to have access to educational programs and services. Students with disabilities requiring accommodations should make the initial request for accommodation to the Disability Services Office, LRC Room 125, or call (405) 733-7407. See the current RSC Student Handbook for further details.