

Nursing Science - Career Ladder Track


All prerequisite courses must be completed with a minimum grade of a “C” or higher.

All program courses (HSNS) from the prior semester must be completed with a “C” or better to progress to the next semester. Failure to attain the minimum grade in HSNS program courses will result in a “stop-out” and require readmission to the program. Readmission will be based upon space availability. Students may be readmitted only one time.

Pre-Requisite General Education & Support/Related Courses

Course Number Course Name
ENGL 1113 English Comp I*
ENGL 1213 English Comp II+
HIST 1483 US History to 1877 OR
HIST 1493 US History Since 1877
POLS 1113 American Federal Government
PSYC 1113 Introduction to Psychology*
HSBC 1113 Medical Terminology*
HSBC 2114 Human Anatomy+*
CHEM 1114 Introductory Chemistry+*
BIOL 2424 Human Physiology+*
HSBC 1224 Introduction to Clinical Microbiology
HSNS 1214 Concepts for Transitions to Professional Nursing Practice*#

Science labs must be taken on-campus. Online labs will not be accepted. 

+Check course description for prerequisite that must be met.
*Must be completed prior to admission in the program.
#Must be completed no more than two (2) years prior to application. Transfer credit not accepted.

Professional Courses
Third Semester (8 credit hours)

Course Number Course Name
HSNS 2118 Professional Nursing Concepts III

Fourth Semester (10 credit hours)

Course Number Course Name
HSNS 2218 Professional Nursing Concepts IV
HSNS 2212 Advanced Professional Nursing Concepts

+Check course description for prerequisite that must be met
*Must be completed prior to admission in program
#Must be completed no more than two (2) years prior to application. Transfer credit not accepted.
## Advanced standing credit awarded for this course to Career Ladder Track student upon enrollment in the third semester. See the "Overview" tab for testing dates.

Rose State College will provide reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities in order for students to have access to educational programs and services. Students requiring accommodations should contact the Student Access Services (SAS) office at least one week prior to the need for accommodations.  SAS, located in the Learning Resources Center, Room 106, can also be contacted at (405) 733-7373.