

Radiologic Technology Program

Requirements Upon Acceptance

Students are not to provide this information in their application packet.  Program acceptance letters will provide detailed information about these processes, as well as any additional requirements.   

DRUG SCREEN: Students who are initially selected as a candidate into a Health Science Division Program will be required to pass a NIDA 11 panel test for drugs, including amphetamines, marijuana, cocaine, PCP and opiates, before final acceptance into the program will be granted.  Further information will be provided when the student is accepted for admission to the Program. The student is responsible for the cost of this test.

CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK: An extensive background check, including criminal history, Social Security check, and employment history, is required by all clinical affiliates.  Further information will be provided when the student is accepted for admission to the Program.  The student is responsible for the cost of this check.  Any positive findings may be subject to review by the clinical affiliates and could prevent the student from completing clinical requirements.

HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: Applicants who are accepted must provide copies of the following information prior to enrolling in program courses. Original documents will not be returned or copied.

  1. Immunity to Mumps, Rubeola, and Rubella. Submit shot records showing proof of two immunizations for MMR or a titer showing a positive result.
  2. Immunity to Varicella. Submit shot records showing proof of two immunizations for MMR or a titer showing a positive result.
  3. Documentation of two TB skin tests showing negative results within the past year or one TB blood test showing negative results in the past year.
  4.  Documentation of a Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis, Tdap, vaccine within the last ten years.
  5. COVID-19 and seasonal flu shot is required according to CDC recommendations. Proof of COVID vaccination is required before enrollment. Flu shot is required before Oct 15th each year.
  6. Hepatitis B immunization is highly recommended, but not required.
  7. Hepatitis A immunization is highly recommended, but not required.

LIABILITY INSURANCE: This is purchased at Rose State College at an estimated expense of $15.00 for the calendar year. Payment must be made to the Business Office after enrollment and prior to beginning class.

CURRENT CPR CERTIFICATION: The only acceptable level is “CPR for Health Care Providers” from the American Heart Association.  CPR certification must remain current through the program.  A student will not be allowed to enroll unless CPR certification is current through the semester in which he/she is intending to enroll. CPR skills portion must be in person.