

students and a professor studying xray films

Respiratory Therapist


Respiratory Therapist Associate in Applied Science Degree (PDF)

Students must earn a “C” or better in all courses to be eligible for graduation. Pre-requisite courses may be in progress during the application period and summer session, but must be completed prior to beginning the program professional courses. Admission to the program is contingent on a grade of “C” or higher on courses being completed in the spring and summer semesters.

All program courses (HSRT) from the prior semester must be completed with a “C” or better to progress to the next semester. Failure to attain the minimum grade in HSRT program courses will result in a “stop-out” and require readmission to the program. Readmission will be based upon space availability. Students may be readmitted only one time.

Students are strongly encouraged to speak with a Health Sciences Advisor every semester to help stay on track and be prepared to apply.

Pre-Requisite General Education & Support/Related Courses

Course Number Course Name

ENGL 1113

English Composition I

ENGL 1213

English Composition II+

HIST 1483

US History to 1877 OR

HIST 1493

US History Since 1877

POLS 1113

American Federal Government

HSBC 1113

Medical Terminology

PSYC 1113

Intro to Psychology

HSBC 1224

Intro to Clinical Microbiology*

HSBC 2114

Human Anatomy+*

CHEM 1114

Introductory Chemistry+*

BIOL 2424

Human Physiology+*

+Check course description for prerequisite that must be met
*Science courses must be completed within seven years before entering the program

Professional Courses
First (Fall) Semester (17 credit hours)

Course Number Course Name

HSRT  2211  

Ethics & Health Care Systems

HSRT  2221  

Introduction to Clinic

HSRT  2221  

Resp Therapy Proc I

HSRT 2333

Resp Physiolog

HSRT 2242  

Resp Pharmacology

HSRT 2333  

Resp Pathology

HSRT 2103

Pulmonary Diagnostics

Second (Spring) Semester (14 credit hours)

Course Number Course Name
HSRT 2202 Respiratory Clini Proc II
HSRT 2224 Respiratory Clinic Prac I
HSRT 2342 Respiratory Therapy Critical Care
HSRT 2353 Pediatric Respiratory Care
HSRT 2213 Mechanical Ventilation

Third (Summer) Semester (8 credit hours)

Course Number Course Name
HSRT 2324 Respiratory Therapy Clinic Prac II
HSRT 2334  Respiratory Therapy Clinic Prac III

+Must be completed with a minimum grade of "C" prior to starting professional education.

*Math prerequisite for Intro to Chemistry:  Minimum score of 265 on Next-Generation Accuplacer Math 2 Placement Tests or successful completion of Math0144 Algebraic Literacy.  Note:  This differs from the Program admission Math score requirement  - contact the advisor at for help.