

students and a professor studying xray films

Respiratory Therapist

Requirements Upon Acceptance

Students are not to provide this information in their application packet.  Program acceptance letters will provide detailed information about these processes, as well as any additional requirements.   

Background check

Clinical affiliates require students to have an expanded background check. Students will be responsible for the cost of the background check, which is approximately $49.00. Note: these background checks and drug tests may be required by potential employers.

Drug Testing

Prior to beginning a Health Sciences Division program, students who have been conditionally accepted to the program will be required to complete a NIDA (National Institute of Drug Abuse) Panel 10 drug test to screen for amphetamines, marijuana, cocaine, PCP and opiates, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, methadone, propoxyphene, and methaqualone. This drug testing is required by health care agencies serving as clinical education sites. A positive drug test result may prevent a student from completing the program clinical courses, and prevent admission to a program. The student will be responsible for the cost and completion of the drug test through a specified drug-testing laboratory. Cost of the test will be approximately $35.00 but may be subject to change before the actual testing period. A letter will be mailed to conditionally accepted program students with information on the designated drug testing laboratory and the testing deadline. Drug testing results will be maintained at the College in the strictest confidentiality, in a secure location.

Health Documentation

After acceptance into the Program, the student must provide acceptable documentation of the following:

  1. Two (2) MMR vaccinations - If no immunization records are available, positive titers for mumps, rubella, and rubeola are required. If titers are not positive, vaccinations will be required.
  2. Two (2) Varicella vaccinations OR varicella titer demonstrating immunity
  3. A signed declination, OR documentation of three shots of Hepatitis B vaccine. The Hepatitis B vaccine consists of three (3) shots over a six (6) month period. A positive Hepatitis B titer will also be accepted.
  4. TB skin testing indicating negative findings. Two separate negative skin tests must be completed at least one week apart, but no more than one year apart.
  5. TDAP (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) vaccine given no more than 10 years prior to admission.
  6. Influenza vaccine will be required when available (September or October)
  7. Covid 19 Vaccination(s)- either 2 vaccinations or 1 Bivalent vaccination

Current certification for the American Heart Association Healthcare Provider CPR course.

  • Two (2) negative TB skin tests, given within the last 12-month period OR
  • Documented Positive TB test with documented negative chest x-ray, an annual review of symptoms, and release for public contact from the Health Department. (Not the patient’s physician)

By waiting until July 29, you will not need to repeat while you are a program student.