

Writing Program

Writing in the Professions

Communication skills are essential in every profession, but writing in the health, business, and technological fields requires special skill sets, and Rose State College is committed to supporting the varied needs of these growing communities. The writing courses offered in these areas help students to both complete their college degrees and to successfully fulfill the responsibilities of communicating well in their specialized chosen fields. 

In all courses for writing in the professions

  • The class professor will provide early assessment of each student's placement in the course and refer students who need additional skills to the appropriate resources on campus.
  • The professor will post the class syllabus in the electronic classroom associated with the course and will also provide regular private updates there of each student's grades progress.
  • The professor will provide timely grading on assignments along with useful feedback.
  • Students must take and pass the final exam under proctored conditions during the college's final exam period in order to pass the class

Technical Report Writing: ENGL 2053

Writing for Health Professionals: ENGL 1913