

Professor working with a male student

Social Sciences

Additional Information

Advanced Standing Exams

Extra Institutional Credit by Advanced Standing Exam applications are available in the Admissions Office (Student Union). The exam form is signed in the Social Sciences Department Office (Social Sciences Building, Room 108).  The completed application must be turned in prior to the date of testing.  Cost for testing is $5.00 per credit hour (3-hour course credit = $15.00). Exams are given in the Learning Resources Center Testing Center. The Office of Admissions sends out official notification on pass/fail status of the exam. 

HES 2323: Nutrition

HIST 1483: U.S. History to 1877

HIST 1493: U.S. History Since 1877

HIST 2303: Oklahoma History

HPER 1102: First Aid (without Red Cross certification)

HPER 1202: Health and Wellness

POLS 1113: American Federal Government

PSYC 1113: Introduction to Psychology

PSYC 2213: Developmental Psychology

SOC 1113: Introduction to Sociology