

Professor working with a male student

Social Sciences

Course Syllabi

The current syllabi for courses taught in the Social Sciences Department are available below.  These syllabi are periodically updated, and the most recent version is posted here at the beginning of each academic year.

NOTE:  All syllabi are in PDF format and require Acrobat Reader to view/print.  Acrobat Reader is a free program and may be installed from the website:   Get Reader here.

Criminal Justice 

course number course name
CJ 1103 Intro To Criminal Process (PDF)
CJ 1113 Intro to Corrections (PDF)
CJ 1123 Intro to Law Enforcement (PDF)
CJ 2193 Criminal Justice Internship (PDF)
CJ 2193 Criminal Justice Internship Syllabus (PDF)
CJ 2303 Cultural Diversity (PDF)
CJ 2401 Police Report Writing (PDF)
CJ 2453 Probation and Parole (PDF)
CJ 2503 Criminology (PDF)
CJ 2603 Criminal Procedure (PDF)
CJ 2703 Delinquency Juvenile Justice System (PDF)
CJ 2803 Criminal Investigation (PDF)
CJ 2863 Ethics in Criminal Justice Update 2015 (PDF)

Family Services/Child Development 

course number course name
FSCD 1213 Introduction to FSCD (PDF)
FSCD 1302 CDA Preparation (PDF)
FSCD 1313 Health, Safety, and Nutrition (PDF)
FSCD 1323 DAP and Environments (PDF)
FSCD 2093 Education of Exceptional Individuals (PDF)
FSCD 2093 Education of Exceptional Individuals Syllabus (PDF)
FSCD 2213 Curriculum Planning (PDF)
FSCD 2223 Language and Literacy (PDF)
FSCD 2233 Practicum in FSCD (PDF)
FSCD 2433 Observing & Assessing Human Behavior (PDF)
FSCD 2443 Creative Arts for Young Children (PDF)
FSCD 2503 Health Concepts for Children (PDF)
FSCD 2533 Guidance of Young Children (PDF)
FSCD 2573 Family School and Community (PDF)
FSCD 2613 Infant and Toddler Programs Rev (PDF)
FSCD 2633 Admin FSCD Services and Child Dev Rev (PDF)
FSCD-PSYC 2523 Child Growth and Development (PDF)
FSCD-SOC 2333 Families and Substance Abuse (PDF)
FSCD-SOC 2403 Family in Society (PDF)
FSCD-SOC 2463 Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect (PDF)


course number course name
GEOG 1103 Human Geography (PDF)
GEOG 1114 Physical Geography (PDF)
GEOG 2443 Regional Geography (PDF)

Human Environmental Sciences

course number course name
HES 2323 Nutrition (PDF)
HES 2523 Child Growth & Development Telecourse (PDF)
HES 2523 Child Growth and Dev (PDF)


course number course name
HIST 1013 World History I (PDF)
HIST 1023 World History II (PDF)
HIST 1203 African American History (PDF)
HIST 1413 Ancient Medieval Civilization (PDF)
HIST 1433 Modern Europe (PDF)
HIST 1483 US History to 1877 (PDF)
HIST 1493 US History Since 1877 (PDF)
HIST 2033 America's Civil War (PDF)
HIST 2043 America's West (PDF)
HIST 2133 Women's History (PDF)
HIST 2213 Russian History (PDF)
HIST 2223 WWI Russian Revolution (PDF)
HIST 2233 World War II (PDF)
HIST 2263 Women's Studies (PDF)
HIST 2503 American Indian History (PDF)
HIST 2563 Colonial America 1492-1775 (PDF)
HIST 2573 History of Sports in America (PDF)
HIST 2583 Intro to LGBT History (PDF)
HIST 2983 Historical Thinking (PDF)

Health and Sport Sciences

course number course name
HPER 1102 First Aid - Responding to Emergencies (PDF)
HPER 1202 Health and Wellness (PDF)
HPER 1213 Introduction to Health and Sports Science (PDF)
HPER 1222 Concepts of Fitness (PDF)
HPER 1301 Physical Ed Participation (PDF)
HPER 1311 Beginning Swimming (PDF)
HPER 1321 Intermediate Swimming (PDF)
HPER 1331 Aquatic Fitness (PDF)
HPER 1361 Beginning Volleyball (PDF)
HPER 1371 Intermediate Volleyball (PDF)
HPER 1391 Weight Resistance Training (PDF)
HPER 1401 Group Cardio Fitness Class (PDF)
HPER 1411 Pilates (PDF)
HPER 1421 H2O Strength Training (PDF)
HPER 1431 Zumba (PDF)
HPER 1451 Yoga (PDF)
HPER 1461 Cardio Yoga Strength (PDF)
HPER 1471 Aerobic Kickboxing (PDF)
HPER 1481 Bowling (PDF)
HPER 1491 Tai Chi (PDF)
HPER 1501 Bootcamp (PDF)
HPER 1511 Pickleball (PDF)
HPER 1521 Turbokick ABS (PDF)
HPER 1531 Zumba Toning (PDF)
HPER 1541 Hip Hop Fitness (PDF)
HPER 1551 Barre (PDF)
HPER 2091-3 Special Topics in HPER (PDF)
HPER 2333 Nutrition for Sport and Exercise (PDF)
HPER 2612 Intro to Legal Aspects of HPER profession (PDF)
HPER 2623 Physiology of Exercise (PDF)
HPER 2633 Principles of Personal Training (PDF)
HPER 2643 Applied Anatomy (PDF)
HPER 2701-3 HSS Practicum (PDF)

Native American Studies

course number course name
NAS 1113 Introduction to Native American Studies (PDF)
NAS 2093 Native American Philosophy (PDF)
NAS 2803 Federal Indian Policy and Sovereignty (PDF)

Political Science

course number course name
POLS 1113 American Federal Government (PDF)
POLS 1123 Intro to Law Enforcement (PDF)
POLS 2103 Intro to Political Science (PDF)
POLS 2193 Political Science Internship (PDF)
POLS 2203 Introduction to Public Policy (PDF)
POLS 2213 Campaigns & Elections (PDF)
POLS 2303 Introduction to Mass Media and Politics (PDF)
POLS 2403 Comp Pol Systems (PDF)
POLS 2503 Introduction to International Relations (PDF)
POLS 2603 Intro to Public Administration (PDF)
POLS 2703 Intro to State and Local Government (PDF)
POLS 2803 Introduction to Political Theory (PDF)


course number course name
PSYC 1103 Psychology of Human Relationships (PDF)
PSYC 1113 Introduction to Psychology (PDF)
PSYC 1223 Careers and Writing (PDF)
PSYC 2123 Sex & Gender (PDF)
PSYC 2213 Developmental Psychology (PDF)
PSYC 2303 Personality Theories (PDF)
PSYC 2313 Introduction to Counseling (PDF)
PSYC 2323 Social Psychology (PDF)
PSYC 2413 Psychology of Human Sexuality (PDF)
PSYC 2503 Psychology Statistics (PDF)
PSYC 2603 Psychology of Organizational Behavior (PDF)
PSYC 2703 Psychology of Abnormal Behavior (PDF)
PSYC FSCD 2523 Child Growth and Development (PDF)


course number course name
SOC 1113 Introduction to Sociology (PDF)
SOC 2113 Introduction to Social Work (PDF)
SOC 2123 Sex & Gender (PDF)
SOC 2223 Social Problems (PDF)
SOC 2333 Families and Substance Abuse (PDF)
SOC 2403 Family in Society (PDF)
SOC 2463 Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect (PDF)
SOC 2503 Criminology (PDF)