

Developmental Education Success

Enrollment Suggestions for Students Taking Developmental Courses

Writing and Reading Courses

Highly Recommended Courses

  • Other skill-building courses in Math, Reading, or English
  • CLICK Learning Community: HULC 1091
  • College Orientation: EDUC 1101
  • College & Life Strategies: EDUC 1103
  • Introduction to Computers: CIT 1103
  • Microcomputer  Applications: CIT 1093
  • Personal Finance: ECON 2103
  • Health & Wellness: HPER 1202
  • First Aid: HPER 1102

Discouraged Courses

Students should try to avoid taking credit-level courses like history, government, sociology, psychology, speech, or science that involve higher-level reading and writing skills.  For example, students should complete ENGL 0133: English Composition Review (or test out of it) before enrolling in history and government.  An exception is READ 1213: Advanced Reading and Vocabulary Enrichment; credit-level classes will generally be fine for students taking this course.

Campus Resources

Students are encouraged to discuss the following resources with their academic advisor:

If an acceptable schedule cannot be created, students are strongly encouraged to discuss the option of part-time rather than full-time enrollment with their academic advisor to aid in their long-term success.

Enrollment Suggestions for Students Taking Developmental Math Courses

General Recommendations

  • Enroll in the appropriate math course in their first semester – START EARLY!
  • Do not skip a semester between math courses – DON’T STOP!
  • Do not skip a course in the sequence (unless a retest of the ACCUPLACER permits this).
  • If a student has failed a course, it is strongly encouraged that they retake it the following semester.
  • If a student has failed a course multiple times, they should consider dropping back to the previous course to build a stronger foundation.

Non-STEM Pathway

Functions Pathway

STEM Pathway

Non-STEM / STEM Tracks (PDF)