GPA Calculator
One condition of being in Good or Satisfactory Status is to have a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher. If your GPA is below 2.00, use this calculator to project the GPA you need in a semester to raise your cumulative GPA to a 2.00 or desired GPA level. Just substitute the desired GPA for 2.00 in the form.
Calculating Your Grade Point Average
Normally, schools measure academic progress by calculating a grade point average or GPA based on grades earned by the student. At Rose State College, grades used in calculating the GPA are A, B, C, D and F. Other grades such as W, X., S, U, AU, AW, P and I are not used in calculations.
The first step is to determine the number of hours used in the calculation. To do this, you must identify courses graded with an A, B, C, D or F. Next, one must determine the total number of grade points earned. Each semester hour with an A is 4 points; with a B is 3 points; with a C is 2 points; with a D is 1 point; and with an F is 0 points. For example, a one-hour course in which the student received an A would be worth 4 points; a three-hour course with a B would be worth 9 points (3 hours multiplied by 3 grade points for each hour of credit).
To determine the average the school divides the number of points earned by the number of hours attempted (that are graded A, B, C, D, F).
Look at the following schedule and grades:
1113 English Composition I |
C (3 hrs x 2 grade points) =6 |
1483 U.S. History to 1877 |
B (3 hrs x 3 grade points) =9 |
1513 College Algebra |
C (3 hrs x 2 grade points) =6 |
1102 Ed Planning |
A (2 hrs x 4 grade points) =8 |
11 semester hours & 29 grade points
The last digit of the course number identifies the semester hour value of the course. The student has attempted 11 semester hours for the GPA. The total number of points earned is 29. The 29 points is divided by the 11 hours for a GPA of 2.636 for the semester.
Let's look at another example:
0123 Fundamentals of English |
S |
1483 U.S. History to 1877 |
C(3 hrs x 2 grade points) =6 |
1513 College Algebra |
D (3 hrs x 1 grade points) =3 |
1102 Ed Planning |
F (2 hrs x 0 grade points) =0 |
8 semester hours & 9 grade points
Here, the student has attempted 8 hours, but, the course graded with an "S" is excluded for the calculation; the course graded with an F is included. So, there are 8 semester hours and 9 grade points. The 9 points are divided by the 8 hours for a 1.125 GPA.
Usually, schools calculate all hours into a GPA (including transfer hours). The transfer hours and points are added to the current school's hour and points to determine an overall GPA.
Advisement of GPA is available from the Office of Student Development at (405) 733-7408 or send an email to