

student and counselor working together

Admissions & Records

Admission Requirements

Regular Students

For Admission to Rose State College, a student must have (a) graduated from an accredited high school and (b) participated in the American College Testing Program or a similar acceptable battery of tests. Students utilizing a test other than ACT will have their scores converted to ACT equivalents. Students must provide an official high school transcript to the Office of Admissions and Records.

High school curricular requirements:
4 units English
 (Grammar, Composition, Literature)
3 units Lab Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics or any lab science certified by the school district.)
3 units Mathematics (Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, Math Analysis or Calculus)
2 units History (including one unit of American History)
1 unit Citizenship Skills (from Economics, Geography, Government or Non-Western Culture)
2 additional units of subjects previously listed or selected from Computer Science or Foreign Language
15 Required Units

Students pursuing Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degrees must address all high school curricular requirements within the first twenty-four credit hours attempted at this College, or they will be permitted to enroll in requirement-removal courses only. Also, transfer students admitted to Rose State College with high school curricular requirements must address the requirements within the first twenty-four credit hours attempted at this College, or they will be permitted to enroll in requirement-removal courses only. Students who are continuing satisfactory progress toward requirement removal may request, through the Registrar's office, special permission to continue their enrollment.

Students pursuing Associate in Applied Science degrees or Certificate programs may not be required to address all high school curricular requirements to complete a program of study but must address requirements before enrolling in courses within the designated discipline area.  Also, students with curricular requirements may not transfer into an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science or a Baccalaureate degree program until all of the high school curricular requirements have been addressed.

Adult Students

As provided for in the State Regent's policy, any student who (a) is not a high school graduate but whose high school class has graduated and (b) has participated in the American College Testing Program or similar battery of tests is eligible for admission to Rose State College.

Students 21 years of age or older or active duty military admitted under the Adult Admission Category must satisfactorily demonstrate proficiency to perform at the collegiate level in curricular areas they are desiring to pursue.

Placement examinations will be used along with documented education and job experience to demonstrate readiness to perform at the collegiate level in the curricular areas for the adult student. Adult students may also demonstrate their proficiencies in curricular disciplines by taking designated courses. 

Placement examinations and documented military training experiences will be utilized to demonstrate readiness to perform at the collegiate level in curricular areas for the active duty military student. The active duty military student's training experience will be reviewed and evaluated by examining records, which include technical training and assessment test results, Community College of the Air Force transcripts, and the American Council on Education equivalency guide recommendations. Active duty military students may also demonstrate their proficiencies in curricular disciplines by taking designated courses.

International Students

Before Rose State College can process an application for admission, the Office of Admissions and Records at Rose State College must receive each of the documents listed below: (Certified English translations are required for those items so indicated.)

  1. A completed Rose State College Application for Admission.
  2. Official high school transcript(s) and/or documents indicating the date that all secondary school requirements were met. A certified English translation must be attached if the transcript is not printed in English.
  3. The completed "Certificate of Support" form and a certified letter from a bank that shows available funds in U.S. dollars. The United States Immigration and Naturalization Service requires all international students to have sufficient funds to cover all expenses  they might incur during their attendance in college. NOTE: A sponsor cannot be another international student.
  4. Proof of English language proficiency: Students are required to present a minimum TOEFL score of 61 on the internet-based exam or 173 on the computer-based exam ( the paper-based minimum score is a 500 ) or score a 5.5 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), or score 44 on the Pearson PTE Academic test, or score 3.5 on the iTEP Academic test tor admission. The Rose State College school code for TOEFL is 6559 and should be entered on your score sheet when you take the TOEFL test ( or the IELTS exam (

Download the International Student Packet (PDF)
Download the International Transfer Student Packet  (PDF)

If, after review of your documents, you are eligible for admission to Rose State College, an  I-20 form will be issued. You must report to the Office of Admissions and Records at Rose State College as soon as possible after entering the United States. Your enrollment will be considered for the semester following the date of issue on your I-20. In addition, you must present proof of health and repatriation insurance prior to completion of formal admission.

Transfer Students

Undergraduate students who wish to transfer from an Oklahoma college or university to Rose State College may do so by submitting official transcripts from all institutions attended. Transferring students must also meet the academic retention standards of the College.

Undergraduate students who wish to transfer from an out-of-state college or university to Rose State College may do so by meeting the entrance requirements of the College and submitting official transcripts. Transcripts of record from colleges or universities accredited by the North Central Association or other regional accrediting association will be given full value. Official transcripts of record from institutions not accredited by a regional association will be evaluated on the basis of the recommendations contained in the current issue of the Report of Credit Given by Educational Institutions, published by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers.

Transfer transcripts become the property of the College and cannot be returned. Credit earned at transfer institutions using a GPA calculation method other than the traditional 4.0 GPA calculation, will be converted to the 4.0 system. Credit earned at transfer institutions as quarter hour credit, will be converted to semester hours.

Study in the States

Study in the States Logo

Concurrent Enrollment

Procedures for concurrent enrollment:

  1. High school students wishing to concurrently enroll must complete the application for concurrent enrollment and it must be signed by their parent(s), and either the high school counselor or the high school principal. The signed form confirms eligibility to satisfy the high school graduation requirements, including curricular requirements for college admission, by spring of the senior year.
  2. The student must bring all of the following completed forms/documents
    • Concurrent Form with the required signatures
    • Concurrent Student Contract
    • Immunization Verification Form
    • Official report of his/her ACT/SAT scores
    • Official, up-to-date high school transcript, and
    • Rose State College Application for Admission
  3. The student must come to the Distance Learning Office at Rose State College with the documentation listed above.  A staff member will meet with the student to evaluate his/her eligibility to be admitted.
  4. A high school student admitted under the provision set forth above may enroll in a combined number of high school and college courses per semester not to exceed a full-time college workload of 19 semester-credit-hours.  A student may enroll in a maximum of nine semester-credit-hours during a summer session or term at a college or university of the State System without the necessity of being concurrently enrolled in high school classes during the summer term.  For purposes of calculating workload, one-half  high school unit shall be equivalent to three semester-credit-hours of college work.  Students wishing to exceed these limits may petition the College.
  5. The College will adhere, where possible and allowed by policy, to the number of credit hours recommended by the designated high school official.  Any questions by the student on this policy will be referred to the high school.
  6. If the student withdraws or drops from high school, official notification should be sent to the College.  A student is eligible for concurrent enrollment only while enrolled in high school; therefore, withdrawal from high school automatically will be followed by withdrawal from college.  Official notification of drops or withdrawal of the student from college courses will be sent to the high school.
  7. Summary grade reports for instructional research will be used by the College.  This use does not violate the student's right of privacy as covered in the Buckley Amendment.
  8. A summary grade report will be sent to the high school for students involved in this program at the end of each semester.
  9. A high school student concurrently enrolled in college courses may continue concurrent enrollment in subsequent semesters if she/he achieves a college retention grade-point average of 2.0 or above on a 4.0 scale.  Following high school graduation, a student who has been concurrently enrolled as a high school student may be admitted to the original institution of concurrent enrollment or another institution in the State System if the student meets the entrance requirements of the receiving institution, including the high school curriculum requirements, and subject to the State Regents retention standards.
  10.  While attending the College, the student has the rights and responsibilities of all students of the College as designated in the Student Handbook and the College Catalog.
Requirements for Admission

Option 1

 High School Seniors

 ACT/SAT at 42nd Percentile (19 ACT)

 High School Juniors

 ACT/SAT at 42nd Percentile (19 ACT)

 Home School Seniors

 ACT/SAT at 42nd Percentile (19 ACT)

 Home School Juniors   

 ACT/SAT at 42nd Percentile (19 ACT)

Option 2 (Only students from accredited high schools)

 High School Seniors

 High School GPS 3.0 and 19 ACT in subject area

 High School Juniors

 High School GPA 3.0 and 19 ACT in subject area

Students may only enroll in curricular areas where they have met the assessment requirements for college placement.




 Science Reasoning





Additional Requirements for Specialty Programs

Acceptance into Paralegal Studies and the Health Sciences programs is through action of admissions committees and/or program directors for each program. A limited number of students are accepted in each Health Sciences program. Students new to the College should:

  1. Meet with division academic advisors for assignment to the appropriate program director.
  2. Meet with program director for academic advisement and program application forms.
  3. Complete the College admission requirements.
  4. Carefully read program requirements for the Paralegal Studies or Health Sciences programs in addition to Admission to Rose State College.

Non-Degree Seeking Students 

Students who wish to enroll in courses without intending to pursue a degree may be admitted provisionally and enroll in up to nine credit hours without submitting all official academic credentials. However, credentials and/or assessment testing may be required prior to actual enrollment in order to establish curricular proficiency or the presence of a course prerequisite. Once a non-degree-seeking student reaches the nine-hour limit, to continue enrollment he/she must provide ALL official transcripts and ACT scores and must meet the same requirements as degree-seeking students.