

Three smiling students

Enrollment and Specialized Testing


The DSST exams are offered in 34 subject areas within the areas of Social Sciences, Math, Applied Technology, Business, Physical Sciences and Humanities. 

View the Prior Learning Credit brochure (PDF).


Before You Prepare for the Exam

Before you begin your exam preparation, check with your school’s advising or admissions department about their credit awarding policy. The DSST exams were developed to enable schools to award credit to students for knowledge equivalent to that learned by students taking the course. The school may choose to award college credit to the student based on the achievement of a passing score. The ultimate passing score for each examination is determined by the school. The DSST program provides schools with a recommended passing score established by a national committee of college faculty who teach these courses. The DSST program is approved by the American Council on Education (ACE), and the ACE provides both a recommended passing score and a recommended number of credits that could be awarded to successful students. Some schools set their own standards for awarding credit and may require a higher score than the ACE recommendation. Make sure to obtain this information from the institution from which you expect to receive credit.

You will need to have the four digit school code for the school that you are going to send the score. Scores being sent to Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) do not need to have a number. Visit the DSST website to locate your four (4) digit College Codes. You will need to have this code before scheduling your exam. Call (405) 733-7320 to schedule an exam.

You will need to bring photo identification with you be able to test.  Military and DANTES funded test takers must bring their military ID card along with their photo ID.

View a PDF of DSST offered at Rose State College.
View the DSST website.