

Psi Beta National Honor Society/Psychology Club

Psi Beta National Honor Society

Psi Beta is a national honor society for students attending two-year colleges, inviting students who plan to major or minor in psychology, as well as students who simply have an interest in psychology – you DO NOT need to be seeking a degree in Psychology to qualify for membership. Our mission is to encourage professional development and psychological literacy of students by promoting and recognizing excellence in scholarship, leadership, research, and community service. For more information on how to become a member of the Rose State Chapter of Psi Beta, please visit the National website at If you believe that you qualify, please email the Faculty Advisor at 

Internship Opportunities

Who Can Apply?
  • Highly motivated students attending RSC, part-time and full-time Rose State College students may apply. The primary criterion for admission is a strong interest in research. 
The Selection Process
  • Candidates will be selected based on qualifications and research interests that align with a research faculty member, and faculty member availability. 
  • After all applications are reviewed, individuals whose interests and coursework/experience match current research projects and available mentorship at the selected site will be offered positions. Some mentors may contact applicants first for a brief telephone or video interview prior to the final decision.   
  • Interns aged 18 and older who are matched with a mentor will be required to complete all necessary screenings and documentation before participating in the program, this may include a flu shot and any other vaccines that are required if the internship involves direct interaction with patients. 
Internship Objectives (Research Placement)
  • Gain knowledge of and exposure to current topics being researched at their facility. 
  • Learn study design and analysis procedures relevant for research. 
  • Observe the various steps of proposing, designing, undertaking and analyzing clinical trials. 
  • Become proficient in presenting scientific concepts -- including study design, research findings, data analysis and results interpretation -- to peers and mentors. 
  • Learn applicable skills for the specific placement - be it within a lab or in a clinic. 

If you are interested in applying for an internship position, please email the faculty advisor at for further instructions on what to do next.

Benefits of Joining
  • Recognition: Present your research nationally. Wear honor regalia accessories at graduation, and sport Psi Beta apparel. 
  • Lifetime Reference: Psi Beta is a career reference throughout your lifetime. We will always affirm your Psi Beta membership.
  • Award Eligibility: Quality for Psi Beta student scholarships and enter a variety of annual national award competitions. 
  • New Opportunities: Learn leadership skills and gain research experience. Meet outstanding psychology professionals. 
Psi Beta Review and Requirements