

awards banquet
Run for the Roses Derby



Each year, the RSC Foundation hosts a variety of events to benefit the community and raise money for future scholarships. Take a look at our upcoming events and to learn how you can take part in the fun!

Annual Banquet - Tower Awards

As part of Rose State College's 40th Anniversary in 2010, College staff, Board of Regents, and Foundation Trustees created the Rose State College Tower Award.  
View the Tower Award webpage. 

Alumni Hall of Fame

We are proud to honor Rose State College alumni with the Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame Award in recognition of their professional accomplishment, community service, and collegiate support.  
View the Alumni Hall of Fame webpage. 

Run for the Roses Derby

Time to talk Derby and get Lucky! You will Win a Place under the stars for a fabulous night filled with live music, great food and exciting games!
Come take part and Show your support as we Run for the Roses towards the Winner's Circle in support of Student Scholarships.

Mark your calendars - Thursday, April 24, 2025. More information to come

Scholarship Golf Tournament

Help Us Raise Money For Our Athletic & Leadership Scholarships! 

The RSC Foundation is holding a fundraising golf tournament this fall.  Please contact us at 405 736-0315 for date and time. We are raising money to support Athletic and Leadership scholarships in an effort to grow those programs and continue to attract the most qualified candidates to Rose State College. 

Sign Up Here.

Thank you for your commitment to Rose State scholarships!  We will see you at the tournament. 

Cindy Mikeman, Foundation and Resource Development 

Coty Cooper, Athletics