

Professional/Administrative Staff Association (PASA)

PASA Excellence Award

PASA Excellence Award Nomination


The purpose of the Professional/Administrative Staff Association (PASA) Excellence Award is to recognize an outstanding professional staff member who displays exceptional leadership, professionalism and commitment to Rose State College and its mission.  Nominations can be made by any faculty, professional staff, or classified staff member. Nominations will be accepted from Wednesday, February 7 to Friday, March 1.


Nominations can be made by any faculty, professional staff, or classified staff member. 


Nominees MUST be a member of PASA as defined in the Association’s by-laws to be considered for the PASA Excellence Award.  Previous recipients are not eligible to receive the award again. 

Selection Process:  

Nominations MUST be received by 5:00 PM on Friday, March 1, 2024. The PASA President selects PASA board members and/or one PASA member from each VP Area of the College to serve on the Selection Committee. The Selection Committee utilizes a rubric to objectively score each candidate’s application. In the event the committee is unable to reach a final decision, the PASA President casts the deciding vote.

PASA Excellence Award Nomination Form

All nominees must be professional administrative staff members who are employed full-time at RSC.